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Interior designing: more than ten tricks and tips   

The use of interior designing came in 1927. Interior designing is arranging furniture to enhance the look of a place. 

Whenever we visit or buy a location, we focus on various things like location, durability, internal beauty, etc. But is interior design the same for every place? Then the answer is no. It depends on the type of room and its usage.  

For example, for a study room or library, we need a proper setup of light, book rack, sitting arrangement, etc. And for an office room, we need a Personal Computer, lighting, etc.  

Now everyone must be thinking about how we can enhance it. So, here we are with a few tips and tricks to make your place much more beautiful than it already is.  OUR HOME: Our home is where we usually come after a whole day of restlessness. So, it’s necessary to keep the watch on decorum which relax us. 

Hang bright and vibrant colour wallpaper for walls. It has two benefits: one gives an extra shine to things in the house, and the other is to reflect the light as much as possible to enhance the view.  

Using light-coloured sun mica (a laminated sheet) will enhance the beauty of almirahs and drawers.  

Lay down bedsheets according to the members of the house. 

For adults: simple yet elegant and plain with few prints.  

For Children: cartoonish bedsheets. It will make the bedroom much more presentable.  

Apply light-coloured ceiling fans to enhance the beauty of the ceilings. 

Install a book rack with a minimum of 50 books capacity and a few drawers for documents.  

Install proper almirah in bathrooms for robes and other cleaning equipment.  

Use light-coloured curtains to cool down the house.  

Arrange show pieces in such a way that they could perform their vital role in the extra enhancement. 

Plant plants to purify the oxygen around the house.  

Using soft and dark carpets to absorb heat provides a much cozier environment.  

Install dark non-slippery marbles in the backyard. 

OUR OFFICE: if you are a boss, you must keep an eye to watch the employee’s needs to increase productivity. Employees need some focus on work to achieve it. One must see the surroundings. 

Try to use white color paint or wallpaper to show a professional look. It gives an environment to concentrate.   

Chairs with tables up to the chest of users should be present to comfort them and increase productivity.   

Planting plants gives us two benefits, one is relaxation, and another one is purifying the oxygen.  

Book racks with books related to the subject work.  

One could install bright lights for proper reading or documenting.  

Hang the frames of personalities around the office.  

An area has to be there for the visitors in an office with sofas and a table. 

YOUR SCHOOL: in our school, there are many types of rooms. Every room needs different requirements. 

  2. Install large windows for extra lighting.  
  3. Use wooden desks for proper sitting for straight posture. 
  4. Proper shafts for ventilation. 
  5. Board for proper notes by teachers. 
  6. Extra Lights should be at those places where clear vision is required.
    1. Library 
  7. A Proper sitting arrangement has to be there for group readers, single readers, and many more. 
  8. Proper reception desk for librarians.
  9. There should be a rack to keep daily newspapers, current affairs, and magazines. 
  10. A Rack should have multiple spaces for holding books. 
  11. Lights should be at every corner of the library for a better view of the writings of the book. 
  12. Gymnasium Or Sports Room:  
  13. A sports room or gymnasium needs to be into three different parts.

(i) One part for Proper equipment for exercises in a specified rack,

(ii) The second part for indoor games and,

(iii) The third part for gaming equipment for outdoor games. 

  • A Proper sitting area for indoor gamers. 
  • An Area for teachers to do their work.  
  • A rack for sports magazines or books related to sports, 
  • Canteen or Cafeteria: 
  • Sitting arrangements for students or teachers,  
  • A bin to dispose of wrappers and utensils. 
  • Proper menu cards for dishes. 
  • Hanging photos of eatables. 
  • Timely up gradation for  menus.

Interior design can show the rich look poor if not done accurately and make the poor look rich if done correctly. The art of decorating a house is quite a huge thing. Does it highlight the ability to how much one can be creative?  



Yes, modernizing or automating furniture is also a part of interior design. It enhances or improvises the standard of living with a taste of luxury. It also gives an upgrade to the furniture resulting in buying more elegant, eye-pleasing items.  

No, the interior designing is not expensive at all. It can be done in a confined budget and space also. But again, it needs proper planning and use.


Now with the talk maintain of interior designing, one should not forget that after decorating the whole house and making it cozier completes our duty. We should maintain it with regular checking and dusting upgrading the interiors by time to not to lose the shine of the house. For example: There are many cases in which a small child in a house scribbles on walls. Timely refurbishing the walls will do the solution or special liquids for erasing the ink or colours from walls may also do the work.

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