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Koenigsegg Regera

Koenigsegg Regera breaks the 0-400-0 kmph car record.

Image source – Youtube | Image By – Koenigsegg

The New Record | Koenigsegg Regera

Koenigsegg is back at it, breaking both the acceleration and braking world records. On this occasion, the Koenigsegg Regera achieves the remarkable feat in just 28.81 seconds, eclipsing the previous automotive record. The Swedish automaker surpassed its own benchmark.

In the vicinity of Stockholm’s western reaches, precisely at Orebro Airport, the historic record-breaking attempt took place. The Koenigsegg Regera broke the Rimac Nevera’s May 2023 record of 29.93 seconds by completing the sprint from 0 to 400 km/h and returned to 0 in 28.81 seconds. Additionally, it completed the 0–250–0mph run in 29.60 seconds, breaking the previous record.


0-400-0 kph

0-400 kph

400-0 kph

0-250-0 mph

0-250 mph

250-0 mph


28.82 Seconds

20.68 Seconds

8.13 Seconds

29.60 Seconds

21.35 Seconds

8.25 Seconds

Image source – Youtube | Image By – Koenigsegg

Koenigsegg Previous Record

The 2017 record set by the Agera RS, which clocked in at 33.29 seconds for the quickest 0 to 100 km/h acceleration, was outpaced by the 2019 achievement, which recorded an astonishing 31.49 seconds.
Regera, which means “To Reign” in Swedish, was designed and engineered ten years ago yet still managed to break the previous record thanks to Michelin’s new Cup2R tyres and a smoother track than the prior record runs.

Following its debut at the Geneva Motor Show in 2015, the exclusive production of 80 Regera units quickly found eager buyers and sold out rapidly. The production run ended in 2022, and the first vehicles were delivered in 2018.

The twin-turbo 5.0-liter V8 engine that Koenigsegg designed themselves produces 1500 horsepower and drives the Koenigsegg Regera’s rear wheels directly. The cutting-edge propulsion system of this car goes by the name of the Koenigsegg Direct Drive (KDD) technology.

Image source – Youtube | Image By – Koenigsegg

Updates by Koenigsegg

“This specific record is one that means a lot to Koenigsegg,” says Christian von Koenigsegg, the company’s founder and CEO, “since it’s a record that covers every area of extreme performance. The Regera’s ability to continue to astound and astonish the automobile industry after all these time is a credit to both its classic design and to engineering and technology that were well ahead of their time.

About | Koenigsegg Regera

The inception of the Regera primarily aimed to provide a luxurious and top-tier counterpart to Koenigsegg’s typical line of extreme, lightweight, and street-legal racing machines. The Koenigsegg Direct Drive, an innovative powertrain technology, seamlessly marries a robust twin-turbo V8 internal combustion engine with three advanced electric motors and state-of-the-art battery propulsion.
Although classic Koenigseggs have always had a surprising amount of functionality, creature comforts, and features, our main goal has always been to create the world’s fastest cars. The Regera carries on this history while utilizing cutting-edge technology that combines incredible speed, unmatched comfort, and a distinctive Direct Drive experience.


1500 HP

700 HP

800 VOLT

1590 KG

1280 NM

Total Output

Electric Output


Curb Weight

Max Torque

DDT | Direct Drive transmission

The Regera’s Direct Drive transmission offers one of the smoothest driving sensations imaginable while delivering blazing performance. It truly is a Jekyll and Hyde experience that can alter drastically depending on how you are feeling.

It has a rear sub frame that enables the transmission and engine to be supported by active soft mounts. The mounts remain flexible and insulate engine noise and vibration under typical driving circumstances. When driving aggressively, the mounts tighten up to stabilize the vehicle and improve reaction. The shock absorbers are dynamic in height and stiffness, instantly adapting to your driving inputs.

DRL | Daytime Running Lights

Daytime Running Lights (DRL) are frequently the first indication of an approaching vehicle. From afar, one can easily spot the Regera due to its distinctive constellation-like appearance, achieved by strategically placing LEDs around the lamp cluster, reminiscent of stars dotting a nighttime sky. of polished carbon fiber.

The LEDs cause the light cluster to sparkle and shimmer as though it were covered in diamonds. Cool is one thing, but Koenigsegg cool is another.

Auto Skin

The Regera is the first automobile in the world to fully automate all body closures with the push of a button. ‘Autoskin’ is the name we give to this system.

Thanks to the most recent developments in compact lightweight hydraulic technology, Koenigsegg was able to robotize the complete Regera with almost no weight penalty. The Autoskin hydraulics replace similar-weight gas struts, causing the weight impact to be low. Autoskin has soft-closing mechanics, which gives the Regera a classy appearance.

In order to prevent the doors from opening or closing and damaging close objects like curbs or low roofs, all apertures and wing mirrors are equipped with proximity sensors.


The Regera’s interior is adorned with a plethora of opulent extras, including its lavish leather or Alcantara seats, roof, carpets, dashboard fittings, and two cup holders (unusual in an extreme megacar of this sort). The function buttons on the Regera have been specially designed with micro-perforations to ensure they can be brilliantly illuminated.

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